As organizations adopt AI technology, people in various types of roles are affected in their decision making processes. Examples of the types of stakeholders affected are:
- human domain experts and decision makers (e.g. architects, engineers, doctors, financial experts, business developers, marketeers, etc.), who take responsibility for the outcomes of the AI model
- managers (e.g. C-level management, team leads, departments leads, strategists, etc.), who want to evaluate and predict the business value of an AI product
- civilians, customers and clients (e.g. customers looking for a loan or mortgage, patients looking for proper treatment, citizens looking for financial aid, etc.), who want to understand why a certain decision was made
- legislators (e.g. compliance officers, privacy/security officers, judges, lawyers, etc.), who want to check for (legal) compliance
In order to seize all that AI has to offer, AI projects need to take the following aspects into account:
- How to design AI products so they are smoothly integrated into the existing day to day (human) operations and processes.
- How to ensure that the great value that comes from our human workforce is used to its benefit. By ensuring that smart technology leverages their knowledge, skills, experience, and observations.
- How to involve the people affected by AI products in a way that allows them to understand the impact, to assess whether a certain suggestion, piece of information, or decision is in line with their own ethics, and to take appropriate actions if they think that this isn't the case.
Mooncake AI offers various services to help companies and organizations take care of these challenges.